Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Celtic Druids

Geoffery Higgins, some 200 years back, concluded in his book, Celtic Druids, that the Druids were Brahmins from North India - basically from NW Indian Peninsula around 40,000 BC, as found in National Geographic Studies concluded in 2006, after studying RNA which is based on one's mother's DNA, which changes slightly over 300-500 years, so one can trace the time based migrations easily.

Interestingly English Thames is Vedic Sanskrit Tamas which is the word for Dark.



Professor Calvert Watkins of Harvard, one of the leading linguistic experts in his field, has pointed out that of all the Celtic linguistic remains, Old Irish represents an extraordinarily archaic and conservative tradition within the Indo-European family. Its nominal and verbal systems are a far truer reflection of the hypothesized parent tongue, from which all Indo- European languages developed, than are Classical Greek or Latin.
The structure of Old Irish, says Professor Watkins, can be compared only with that of Vedic Sanskrit".
"The Druids were not simply priesthood. They were the intellectual caste of ancient Celtic society, incorporating all the professions: judges, lawyers, medical doctors, ambassadors, historians and so forth, just as does the brahmin caste. In fact, other names designate the specific role of the "priests." Only Roman and later Christian propaganda turned them into "shamans," "wizards" and "magicians."
The scholars of the Greek Alexandrian school clearly described them as a parallel caste to the brahmins of Vedic society.
The very name Druid is composed of two Celtic word roots which have parallels in Sanskrit.
Indeed, the root vid for knowledge, which also emerges in the Sanskrit word Veda, demonstrates the similarity. The Celtic root dru which means "immersion" also appears in Sanskrit. So a Druid was one "immersed in knowledge."
Because Ireland was one of the few areas of the Celtic world that was not conquered by Rome and therefore not influenced by Latin culture until the time of its Christianization in the 5th century ce, its ancient Irish culture has retained the most clear and startling parallels to Hindu society."
"This {similarities} applies not only in the field of linguistics but in law and social custom, in mythology, in folk custom and in traditional musical form. The ancient Irish law system, the Laws of the Fénechus, is closely parallel to the Laws of Manu. Many surviving Irish myths, and some Welsh ones, show remarkable resemblances to the themes, stories and even names in the sagas of the Indian Vedas.
Comparisons are almost endless. Among the ancient Celts, Danu was regarded as the "Mother Goddess." The Irish Gods and Goddesses were the Tuatha De Danaan ("Children of Danu"). Danu was the "divine waters" falling from heaven and nurturing Bíle, the sacred oak from whose acorns their children sprang. Moreover, the waters of Danu went on to create the great Celtic sacred river--Danuvius, today called the Danube. Many European rivers bear the name of Danu--the Rhône (ro- Dhanu, "Great Danu") and several rivers called Don. Rivers were sacred in the Celtic world, and places where votive offerings were deposited and burials often conducted. The Thames, which flows through London, still bears its Celtic name, from Tamesis, the dark river, which is the same name as Tamesa, a tributary of the Ganges.
Not only is the story of Danu and the Danube a parallel to that of Ganga and the Ganges but a Hindu Danu appears in the Vedic story "The Churning of the Oceans," a story with parallels in Irish and Welsh mytholgy. Danu in Sanskrit also means "divine waters" and "moisture."
In ancient Ireland, as in ancient Hindu society, there was a class of poets who acted as charioteers to the warriors They were also their intimates and friends. In Irish sagas these charioteers extolled the prowess of the warriors. The Sanskrit Satapatha Brahmana says that on the evening of the first day of the horse sacrifice (and horse sacrifice was known in ancient Irish kingship rituals, recorded as late as the 12th century) the poets had to chant a praise poem in honor of the king or his warriors, usually extolling their genealogy and deeds.
Such praise poems are found in the Rig Veda and are called narasamsi. The earliest surviving poems in old Irish are also praise poems, called fursundud, which trace back the genealogy of the kings of Ireland to Golamh or Mile Easpain, whose sons landed in Ireland at the end of the second millennium bce.
When Amairgen, Golamh's son, who later traditions hail as the "first Druid," set foot in Ireland, he cried out an extraordinary incantation that could have come from the Bhagavad Gita, subsuming all things into his being:
Celtic cosmology is a parallel to Vedic cosmology. Ancient Celtic astrologers used a similar system based on twenty-seven lunar mansions, called nakshatras in Vedic Sanskrit.
Like the Hindu Soma, King Ailill of Connacht, Ireland, had a circular palace constructed with twenty-seven windows through which he could gaze on his twenty-seven "star wives."
There survives the famous first century bce Celtic calendar (the Coligny Calendar) which, as soon as it was first discovered in 1897, was seen to have parallels to Vedic calendrical computations. In the most recent study of it, Dr. Garret Olmsted, an astronomer as well as Celtic scholar, points out the startling fact that while the surviving calendar was manufactured in the first century bce, astronomical calculus shows that it must have been computed in 1100 bce.
One fascinating parallel is that the ancient Irish and Hindus used the name Budh for the planet Mercury. The stem budh appears in all the Celtic languages, as it does in Sanskrit, as meaning "all victorious," "gift of teaching," "accomplished," "enlightened," "exalted" and so on. The names of the famous Celtic queen Boudicca, of ancient Britain (1st century ce), and of Jim Bowie (1796-1836), of the Texas Alamo fame, contain the same root. Buddha is the past participle of the same Sanskrit word--"one who is enlightened."
Amairgen was the first Druid to arrive in Ireland. Peter Berresford Ellis, author of The Ancient World of the Celts, states:
"In this song Amairgen subsumes everything into his own being with a philosophic outlook that parallels the declaration of Krishna in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita.
The Song of Amairgen the Druid
I am the wind that blows across the sea;
I am the wave of the ocean;
I am the murmur of the billows;
I am the bull of the seven combats;
I am the vulture on the rock;
I am a ray of the sun;
I am the fairest of flowers;
I am a wild boar in valor;
I am a salmon in the pool;
I am a lake on the plain;
I am the skill of the craftsman;
I am a word of science;
I am the spearpoint that gives battle;
I am the God who creates in the head of man the fire of thought.
Who is it that enlightens the assembly upon the mountain, if not I?
Who tells the ages of the moon, if not I?
Who shows the place where the sun goes to rest, if not I?
Who is the God that fashions enchantments-- The enchantment of battle and the wind of change?
It also is quite similar in style and content to the more ancient Sri Rudra chant of the Yajur Veda."

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mexico and India Connection

Mexico and India Connection

This is food for thought, till more scientific and accepted publications happen.

For now, it is established that around 40,000 BC Asians settled Americas.

My finding:

Articles by others

Similarities between Indus Valley Script and Easter Island Script.  It is suggested that the Easter Island was a mile-stone point in the sea journey from South Asia to Americas.

Similarities in Mayan and Hindu Temples of Far East.

Article by an Indian Historian

A little off the mark in quality but captures good points.  Starts playing a lot of sanskritization of words, like Machu-Pichu which I think is Macchu-Bicchu (Fish-Scorpion and matched by their symbols, atleast that is what I recall but may be wrong).

Why both Indians and Mayas claim their ancestor discovered zero? Naga and Maya Numbers are same in sounds and notations:

Another below the level but captures some interesting points:

In my article Aum in America, I show Mayans doing Yogic Poses.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who Discovered America

by Ricardo Palleres

What if Europe was really in darkness in comparison to the Far East and India that Columbus set sail to find? What if the popular idea that the Tibetans and the American Indians have much in common in terms of their spiritual culture is largely a result of another historical scenario? What if Hindus and Hopis, Advaitins and Aztecs, Tibetan monks and Mayans were part of one world culture -- a spiritual one?

It very well may come to pass in the near future that those concerned with truth will wrestle primarily with history rather than science. The obvious reason for this is that, in the words of Dr. Wilfred Cantwell Smith, author of Theology and the World's Religious History, "Humanity is more important than things. The truth about humanity is of a higher order than the truth about things."1

History tells an intriguing tale, one that ultimately may provide the greatest support for a spiritual worldview. But history has also been distorted. An example of this is the "common knowledge" that Columbus discovered America. Some say he didn't, nor were any other Europeans the first to touch America's shores. There is good reason to reexamine the history of the world and the Americas in particular. An unbiased look into the development of our planet's civilizations may help to bring about a change in values, a shift from material values to spiritual ones.

What if Europe was really in darkness in comparison to the Far East and India that Columbus set sail to find? What if the popular idea that the Tibetans and the American Indians have much in common in terms of their spiritual culture is largely a result of another historical scenario? What if Hindus and Hopis, Advaitins and Aztecs, Tibetan monks and Mayans were part of one world culture -- a spiritual one? Perhaps the development of Western civilization and the Protestant ethic, which many of the West are now coming to abhor, have gotten in the way of the spiritual development of humanity. Perhaps many technological developments, while making physical contact with other cultures more possible, have distanced us from one another in a deeper sense. Another historical scenario: The spiritually sophisticated Asians were the first to set foot on Western shores, and Asia, not Europe, was the seat of culture. The central focus of that culture was genuine spiritual development, not the mere shadow of the same in the form of the politically-motivated Pauline Christianity and later the Protestant ethic, which licensed humankind's exploitation of nature.

This theory is found in the Vedic literature of India. The ancient Puranas (literally, histories) and the Mahabharata make mention of the Americas as lands rich with gold and silver. Argentina, which means 'related to silver,' is thought to have been named after Arjuna (of silver hue), one of the heroes of that great epic. India's Puranic histories are, however, questionable to the rationalist. In the minds of the empiricists, they are more akin to myths. Yet myths have meaning, as the late Joseph Campbell has reminded us. The Puranas downplay in particular the mere recording of mundane events. The Puranic view is that even if its histories are only myths (which is not necessarily the case), the lessons to be learned from them are infinitely more valuable than what can be learned from recording the coming and going of humanity. In their view, only those human events that serve to promote transcendental knowledge are worth recording. Although empiricists are justified in dismissing them from their viewpoint, the so-called myths and their followers are also justified in dismissing the empiricist's insistence that empirical evidence is final.

Granted, India has shown some lacking in her ability to record her story. But that is due to her preoccupation with the transcendent, the suprahistorical, and not to any ineptitude on her part. According to Kana Mitra in her article "Theologizing Through History?" "We [Hindus] tend to forget about history, and the de-emphasis of nama-rupa -- name and form [due to transcendent preoccupation] -- is one of the reasons for not putting down a name or date in many of our writings. Consequently present-day historians have a difficult time in determining the date and authorship of various works."2

Fortunately, for dealing with the "I'll only believe it if I can see it" mentality of the empiricist, there is considerable hard evidence and academic support for the Vedic theory that most people are unaware of. Unbiased consideration of this remarkable evidence may move modern-day rationalists to give serious thought to the more realistic spiritual outlook of "Only if you believe it can you see it." After all, reality is a living thing and it may reserve the right not to show itself but to those to whom it so chooses. Otherwise, why are we in illusion, or in search of reality? If it is something we can attain by our own prowess, how did we get here (in doubt) in the first place?

The meeting (1519) of Hernan Cortes and the Aztec emperor Montezuma II is depicted in this 17th century Spanish painting. (British Embassy, Mexico City). Unfortunately, the American Indians did not survive their cultural exchange with Europe. The Europeans, through book burning and bayonet, successfully "converted" them leaving very little trace of their noble civilization.

Many historians have scrutinized historical evidence to find more insight into the marvelous cultures that populated the American continent before Christopher Columbus was born. Their thirst for research was based on the assumption that the great Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilizations could not have appeared all of a sudden in the Western world. Rather, they must have received strong influence from ancient Eastern cultures, mainly from India.

Alexander von Humbolt (1769-1859), an eminent European scholar and anthropologist, was one of the first to postulate the Asiatic origin of the Indian civilizations of the Americas. His and other scholars' views formed the basis for the "diffusionist" argument, which was opposed by the "isolationist" viewpoint. Diffusionists believe that the world's civilizations are a result of social contact (civilized man meets uncivilized man). Isolationists believe that civilizations cropped up all over the earth without physical contact with one another.

The Aztec Calendar is known as the Aztec Chakra to Hindu Astronomers. (National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico.)

"The doctrine of the world's ages (Hindu Yugas) was imported into Pre-Columbian America... The Mexican sequence is identical with the Hindus... The essential fact remains that they were derived from a common source... It would be ridiculous to assert that such a strange doctrine was of spontaneous origin in different parts of old and new worlds." — Mackenzie, Myths of Pre-Columbian America.

It is readily accepted that some twenty thousand years ago primitive Asians crossed the Bering Strait into North America and gradually moved south all the way to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Diffusionists maintained that after this occurred civilized Asiatic people distributed themselves via the Pacific, thereby bringing civilization to the Americas. Isolationists insisted that after the nomadic tribes crossed the Bering Strait, a homogeneous race of "Indians of the Americas" was formed, and the American tribespeople then went about reinventing all culture, duplicating in two thousand years what originally took about six millenniums in the Old World.

Henry Charlton Bastian, author of The Evolution of Life (1907), presented the concept of physicochemical evolution, which gave strength to the isolationists. His theory advocated that the development of civilized man was a result of "a psychic unity of mankind," rather than social contact. Bastian's theory of elementargedanke influenced many anthropologists, and today, although the theory is not accepted, it is tacitly acknowledged as far as the conformities between America and Old World civilizations are concerned.3

This pseudo-evolutionist theory leaves much to be desired, and its unspoken acceptance casts doubt on the credibility of the anthropologists. After all, doesn't it tax our credulity when we are asked to believe that a whole series of complicated techniques like casting by the lost wax method, the alloying of copper and tin, the coloring of gold by chemical processes, weaving, and tie-dyeing and batik were by some miracle invented twice, once in the Old World and again from scratch in the Americas? What mysterious psychological law would have caused Asians and Americans to both use the umbrella as a sign of royalty, to invent the same games, imagine similar cosmologies, and attribute the same colors to the different directions?

No archeologist today would attribute to prehistoric Europeans the independent invention of bronze casting, iron work, the wheel, weaving, pottery, writing, and so many other cultural elements that were derived from the Middle East. Similarly, the industrial developments in Britain were introduced from elsewhere within the European continent, not developed independently. What then would cause one to insist that what was not possible for the Europeans (duplicating culture independently) was possible for the American Indians? Especially when at the same time we are taught that the Europeans were of superior stock!

It was in 1949 that these opposing views met head-on at the Congress of the Americanists held in New York, which was sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History. At that time, the diffusionists presented an overwhelming mass of Asiatic-Pacific-American parallels. Nonetheless, much of the diffusionists' evidence continues to be ignored, and the isolationist view is more widely accepted. The reason for this may be more than empirical evidence or lack of the same. Indeed, it may be the faulty nature of the empirical approach, which depends on one's imperfect senses and causes one to dismiss facts that do not conform with the prevailing worldview.

The Aryan civilization of India is a logical choice for the beginning of the diffusion of our planet's civilization. American historian Will Durant, in his book Our Oriental Heritage, described India as the most ancient civilization on earth, and he offered many examples of Indian culture throughout the world. He demonstrated that as early as the ninth century b.c.e. Indians were exploring the sea routes, reaching out and extending their cultural influence to Mesapotamia, Arabia, and Egypt.

"Europe, after Guttenburg's invention of the printing press, wasted no time in announcing the discovery of the New World. It was at this time that European historians began to present to the rest of the world that their land was the center of culture and civilization."

Although modern-day historians and anthropologists might prefer to accept Egypt or Babylon as the most ancient civilization, due to various archeological findings, their theories are by no means conclusive. The popular theory in the academic community that the Aryans were an Indo-European stock, who spoke an unknown pre-Sanskrit language and only later invaded India subsequently occupying her, is also considerably lacking in supportive evidence. Indeed, there is very little evidence whatsoever for the postulated Aryan invasion of India. But perhaps it is easier for modern people to accept ancient Egypt and Babylon, whose ancient civilizations have no living representation and thereby do not pose any challenge to the status quo.

But India is alive and kicking. Prominent traces of ancient Vedic civilization can still be found today not only in India but outside her borders as well. The life science of ayurveda, yoga and meditation, and Sanskrit texts translated into modern languages are all prominent examples. If we recognize ancient India as a civilized spiritual giant, we will have to reckon with her modern-day representations. It is altogether possible that the Vedic theory, if thoroughly researched, poses a threat to many of the concepts of modern civilization and the current worldview, as can be seen by the fact that the Vedic literature and spiritual ideology loomed as the greatest threat to the British in their imperialistic conquest of India.

The Aryans' footprints are found throughout neighboring Southeast Asia. They were skilled navigators and pioneers of many cultural developments. According to several sources, these Aryans ruled in Java, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Annan, Burma, and Thailand until the fourteenth century. Even today, the kings of Thailand bear the title Rama after the Indian Ramraja (the perfect kingdom said to have been governed by the incarnation of Godhead Ramachandra). And the story of Ramayana is depicted on the palace walls in Bangkok.

Cambodia, the ancient Kamboja, boasts the largest temple complex in the world, named Ankor, from the Sanskrit language meaning "the capital city." It was built in the ninth century c.e. in honor of the Hindu god Vishnu. The complex extends over an area more than twice the size of Manhattan and took thirty-seven years to complete. Its physical and spiritual grandeur is found elsewhere only in ancient Greece, Egypt, and among the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. Cambodia's principle river is today called Me Kong, which some scholars say is derived from India's Ma Ganga (Mother Ganges).

Vietnam, once called Champa, figures prominently as a stepping-stone in the story of India's cultural expansion to the Americas. Furthermore, the Hindu state of Java was founded by the king of Kalinga (Orissa) in the first century c.e. Java is said to be the ancient Yava-Dveepa mentioned in the Ramayana and other Sanskrit texts. The Indonesian national flag flies the symbol of Garuda, the bird carrier of Vishnu. Garuda is also the national symbol of that country.

In 1949, two scholars, Gordon Ekholm and Chaman Lal, systematically compared the Mayan, Aztec, Incan, and North American Indian civilizations with the Hindu-oriented countries of Southeast Asia and with India herself. According to them, the emigrant cultures of India took with them India's system of time measurement, local gods, and customs. Ekholm and Lal found signs of Aryan civilization throughout the Americas in art (lotus flowers with knotted stems and half-dragon/half-fish motifs found commonly in paintings and carvings), architecture, calendars, astronomy, religious symbols, and even games such as our Parcheesi and Mexican patolli, which have their origins in India's pachisi.

Both the Hindus and the Americans used similar items in their worship rituals. They both maintained the concept of four yuga cycles, or cosmological seasons, extending over thousands of years, and conceived of twelve constellations with reference to the Sun as indicated by the Incan sun calendar. Royal insignias, systems of government, and practice of religious dance and temple worship all showed remarkable similarities, pointing strongly to the idea that the Americas were strongly influenced by the Aryans.

The temples of India (pict. 1-2) are built according to the ancient Vedic architectural science. There are striking similarities between Mayan temples and those in India. Pict. 3-4: Two Mayan temples from Palenque, Mexico and Central America.

Another scholar, Ramon Mena, author of Mexican Archeology, called the Nahuatl, Zapoteca, and Mayan languages "of Hindu origin." He went on to say, "A deep mystery enfolds the tribes that inhabited the state of Chiapas in the district named Palenque. . . . Their writing, and the anthropological type, as well as their personal adornments . . . their system and style of construction clearly indicate the remotest antiquity. . . . [they] all speak of India and the Orient."4 Still another scholar, Ambassador Poindexter, in his two-volume 1930s treatise The Arya-Incas, called the Mayan civilization "unquestionably Hindu."

The Aztec culture in particular shows a striking resemblance to that of India. Aztecs divided their society into four divisions of both labor and spiritual status, as did the Hindus. In India, this system of government was known as varnashrama, or the division of society based on body types and mental dispositions resulting from past karma. As in Indian civilization, the Aztecs maintained a God-centered government in which people were employed in accordance with their natural karmic tendencies. The results of the labor of all the priests, administrators, mercantilists, and laborers were for the glorification of Godhead, who in turn was thought to provide for humankind.

Aztec boys were sent to school at the age of five, at which time they were put under the care of a priest and trained in various duties of temple life. The Aztec system of education bears a striking resemblance to the Indian system of gurukula, in which boys were sent to the care of a guru for spiritual and practical education. The Mayans and Incas had a similar approach to education, which was mainly a training for priestly service. Fanny Bandelier's translation of Sahagun's History of Ancient Mexico describes that the intellectually inclined boys were trained as "ministers to the idols."

Girls were educated in the domestic arts at home and did not mingle with young boys. Even as late as the 1930s, there was no courtship between Mexican Indian girls and boys, as is still the case in village life in India today. From conception to education, marriage, death, cremation, and even the observance of the sati rite, there are overwhelming parallels between Indian society and the Americas. Further evidence of cultural ties between the East and West is found in the statues of American gods who show a striking resemblance to the Hindu deities of Hanuman, Shiva, Indra, Vishnu and others. Such statues have been found throughout the Americas, and many of them can be seen today in museums in Central America.

The Mexican Indians and the Incas of Peru were primarily vegetarians. They were of high moral character and hospitable and generous as a habit. They practiced astrology, and mental telepathy was common among them. It was perhaps their peace-loving disposition that, like the Hindus, allowed them to be ruled by Europeans. Unfortunately, the American Indians did not survive their cultural exchange with Europe. The Europeans, through book burning and bayonet, successfully "converted" them, leaving very little trace of their noble civilization.

And what about Europe? When merchants sailing from India brought delicious spices, aromatic perfumes, incense, fine silk, precious stones set in delicate and rare jewelry, complex craftsmanship of ivory, and many other goods never seen before by Europeans, the riches and mystique of that land captivated them. The stories told by many navigators about that land of wonder, where the palaces were built of varieties of marble rather than rush stone, decorated with beautiful sculptures and wooden inlay, made the Queen of Spain so covetous that she provided Christopher Columbus with all necessities for his famous journey. Columbus had heard of India's riches through the writings of Marco Polo. Polo had written that India "was the richest and noblest country of the world."5

Europe, after Guttenburg's invention of the printing press, wasted no time in announcing the discovery of the New World. It was at this time that European historians began to present to the rest of the world that their land was the center of culture and civilization. In comparison to Indian society, however, the Europeans were rather crude. The ominous age of the Inquisition, with its persecution and fanaticism, the use of mechanical devices to insure the "chastity" of its women, the exploitation of the serfs, and self-destructive habits, such as indiscriminate eating and alcoholism within the higher classes, are all evidence of this. The original Palace of Versailles in Paris, although certainly a unique architectural creation requiring genius, was built without a single bathroom. Louis XIV and his court are said to have evacuated behind curtains, cleaning themselves with the same. The king was in the habit of substituting soap with Indian perfume and waited until his thirty-fifth birthday before he took his first complete bath.

When Europe was still uncivilized, Indian culture, as well as American culture, was highly advanced. When Europeans were still cave dwellers and nomads wandering from place to place subsisting through hunting, some American peoples were plowing fields and baking bread and dressing in cotton, the seeds for which came from India. The subtlety of Indian society, both eastern and western, marks its superiority to Europe. It was a subtlety of spiritual outlook that Europeans failed to appreciate.

The Dresden Codex, one of the few Mayan hieroglyphic manuscripts that survived the book-burnings by Spanish invaders, documents astronomical calculations of the planed Venus. Large numbers of codices were compiled by the Mayan priests to record religious rites and astronomical facts. (Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden, East Germany.)

The industrial revolution of Europe was prompted by India's cotton, which competed with European wool. Later when the popularity of cotton products imported from India increased, the Europeans began to manufacture cotton in mills. Thus it was even an Indian resource that prompted Europe's claim to fame -- the beginning of modern technology.

It is altogether possible that the Vedic theory, if thoroughly researched, poses a threat to many of the concepts of modern civilization and the current worldview.

Several ancient cultures of the Americas were more spiritually attuned than the Europeans. They also lived with great regard for nature. Many people today are searching out the spirituality of the Americas, a spirituality that was lacking in Europe and is now lacking throughout the world. The Christ's teachings were most certainly tainted with misunderstanding of that great savior's message of love. And he too is said to have been influenced by India's spirituality. His appearance in the world for that matter is mentioned in India's Bavishya Purana long before the virgin birth took place.

The theory that India, Mother India, is the earthly source of spirituality can be to some extent supported by the fact that India is still today the most religious country in the world, with a theology that dates back to antiquity. The idea that she is the source of civilization as well, although supporting evidence is available, will ultimately require that modern man reevaluate what constitutes civilization before it gains wider acceptance.


1. Wilfred Cantwell Smith,"Theology of the World's Religious History," Toward a Universal Theology of Religion, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, N.Y. (1987) p.69.

2. Kana Mitra, "Theologizing Through History?" Toward a Universal Theology of Religion, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, N.Y. (1987), p.82.

3. Dr. Robert Heine Geldern, "Challenge to Isolationists," Hindu America, Chaman Lal, Zodiac Press, New Delhi, (1940) Introduction p.vii.

4. Ibid., p. 14.

5. Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo (The Venitian), revised from Marsden's translation and edited with introduction by Manuel Komroff, Livright Pub, (1956) p.201.

Further References

William Mccgillivray, The Travells and Research of Alexander von Humbolt, Harper Bros. N.Y. (1872).

Henry Charles Bastian, The Evolution of Life. E.P. Dutton & Co. N.Y. (1907).

Gordon Ekholm, Excavations At Sinaloa, American Museum of Natural History, N.Y. (1942).

Gordon Ekholm, Excavations at Lampico and Panuco in the Hausteca, American Museum of Natural History N.Y. (1944).

Reprinted from Clarion Call Magazine with permission.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Shiva in Europe

Indus Valley Civilization is dated around 3300 BC and cave dwellings have been found in NW of Indian Penisula dating 15000 BC. National Geographic Genome Project has dated 40,000 BC when Man passed into Europe from this region.

Shiva is the most ancient God of India and he was called Pashu Pati also. The "wine, meat and sex" part of Tantra goes to the revelry in the earliest days of the world religion(s). He is often associated with snakes, bull and other animals.

Dionysus is the Greek equivalent of Shiva (sometimes equated with Balraam as Herculues is equated with Krishna) and Geeks acknowledge that this God of theirs came from India. (Source Anacalypsisand many other books).

Wriiten here in this book Ref 1 is:

Although the political prominence of Vishnu and Shiva belong to the Age of reformed Brahmanism, it is undoubted that both deities were worshipped throughout the long period of Buddhistic ascendancy. The Greek ambassador Megasthenes, who resided in India between B.C. 311 and 302, and wrote Ta Indika, furnishes interesting evidence in this connection. "By his description of the god Dionysus, whom they worshipped in the mountains, Shiva", says Professor Macdonell, "must be intended, and by Herakles, adored in the plains . . . no other can be meant than Vishnu and his incarnation Krishna. . . . These statements seem to justify the conclusion that Shiva and Vishnu were already prominent as highest gods, the former in the mountains, the latter in the Ganges valley. . . . We also learn from Megasthenes that the doctrine of the four Ages of the World (Yugas) was fully developed in India by this time."

Here in Ref 2 it says:

By far the most generally accepted and most significant of the animal embodiments of the god, however, was that of a bull. There were a multitude of cult appellatives emphasizing this conception of Dionysus. He was variously addressed as the "horned child," the "horned deity," the "bull-horned," and the "bull-browed." The Argives worshiped him as "the son of a cow" or "bull-born," and the ancient Elean chant addressed him directly as a bull. "Come, hero Dionysus, come with the Graces to thy house by the shores of the sea; hasten with thy bull-foot." So ran the hymn itself, while the chorus repeated "goodly bull, goodly bull." One readily recalls, also, that the residence of the king-archon at Athens, where the sacred marriage between Dionysus and the basilinna was celebrated, was called the boukolion, or "ox stall."
Appear, appear, whatso thy shape or name

O Mountain Bull, Snake of the Hundred Heads, (Shesh Naag)

Then a God bull-horned Zeus bare, And with serpents entwined his hair.

They are crowned with snakes

They dressed themselves in fawnskins and wound snakes around

Here in Ref. 3 it is says:

It may reasonably be assumed, therefore, that the Roman ceremonies were not essentially different from their Asian originals.

Remember this wass written when Paganism was taken derogatively and negatively.

Pashupati in Indus Valley

Pashupati in Indus Valley

Irish Pashupati or Shiva - Cernunnos. Notice the snake which is often found associated with Shiva and not found in Europe as far as I know.

Celtic Lord of Beast - Pashupati

From Image Carving on Gundestrup Cauldron found in Denmark

Banteay Srei: Oldest Hindu Temple In Cambodia

Update:  The Gundestrup cauldron Plate B has a supposedly picture of Lakshmi with two Elephants.

Anecdotal:  I had a Yoga Student who went to stay in Denmark for 2-3 years.  I used to tell her about my findings and she would be skeptical about what I would say, until she went to local museums there and found many Indian artifacts.  She also talked to local folks, and they said that their ancestors had come from India.  Discovery Channel also had reported finding  Buddha statutes in a ship wreck site.  All this is again connected with the Proto Indo European People, Language, Religion and Culture, which the West likes to call, and is based on DNA, Linguistics and Archeological studies.

Monday, September 3, 2007


I did not realize that I would be rushed in so soon to write this post by a strange discovery which took place last night. Before anyone is misled, this discovery is basically someone discovering this in early 1900's and it being lost to shelves of libraries! In excitement, I did not sleep till 5 AM and got up at 9 AM! Today, I will try to make best use of my last day of PTO! I should not be surprised by this finding, as the AUM sign was also discovered by someone else in a cave in Arizona, a few years back.

Before I reveal the evidence found in the discoveries, I wanted to share my thinking that went on in chasing these discoveries. It is something like a quest being followed to solve a puzzle, but in hindsight it looks as if someone had already preordained this path for me! So there is notAUMhing to my credit really.

While in India, we never heard of anything on Americas, except Canada and the United States of America. There was nothing on Mexico, Red Indians, Perus, Incas, Mayas, or anything related to the history of North and South Americas, except something about Red Indians in a passing manner. Yes, once I read about Guatemala and some South American Countries in Somerset Maugham's Stories, and the impression I carried back was a very negative one! It was about usual countries facing poverty, civil strife and political instability, which has always been seen in post colonial colonies all over the world! So when I came to the US in 1987, after being exposed to Maoris in New Zealand, and Aborigines in Australia, I was very surprised to see a lot of commonality between Mexicans and Indians.

I saw a lot of similarities between Mexican and Indian people and their culture. There is a lot of physical similarity in their looks and complexion, which can not be placed just on the fact that they are on almost on the same latitude! Indians have "rotis" or "chapatis", and Mexicans have "tortillas". The former have "red" and "green" chutneys, and the later has "red" and "green" salsas. The Indian "dhurries" looked exactly like Mexican "carpets". Even a lot of pottery and straw handicrafts looked the same! This was surprising, considering there was no mention of contact between these two people in the recorded World History since 500 BC approximately! These similarities were strange, even after accounting for 2500 years of changes drifting in. In our own life spans, we would have seen so many changes in the world!

Another interesting story that stuck me was that in the Indian Epic Mahabharata, there is a mention that Pandavas took the help of Mayas in building their palaces. Please note that, like English historians in 1700's laughing at the very mention of Dwarka city being submerged in ocean, in Mahabharata, the last laugh was reserved for the Indian Archealogists who found the city, exactly where it was described and the carbon dating matched the time-period of Mahabharata! Then there is a mention about Arjun going to Paataala lok, (see my Sanskrit etymology Arctic, Antarctic, Antlantic, Antlantis, Paataala), which happens to be diametrically opposite India on the Globe, which is Meso America! He had visited Nagas, and there is some talk about the Nagaland people having some connection with Mayas DNA wise.

In 1993, after the birth of my daughter, I took my in-laws to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, and at the entrance of Japanese Garden, I came across a Lingam displayed, which was discovered while doing some construction project, and there was no easy explanation why it was found there. The site became a world pilgrimage site for the Hindus all over the world. I have the video of it and I need to retrieve it from my archives sometime in future.

Later in 2001, I took my family to the same place, but could not find the site. I went to the local library and inquired about it. After talking to many people in the library, finally I came across an old sweet lady who made a few calls, and said that the artifact was stowed away in a warehouse as it became a nuisance for the park personnel. There was no more news on this and everything was apparently hushed up.

I find this nothing but another incidence of a lighter version of deliberate attempts, perhaps unconsciously, by the gate keepers of the main stream academia, to wipe out evidences of any eastern or pagan religion or an ex-colony reaching Americas, before Columbus. Recall that these colonists, crusaders and zealots of the world burnt the libraries of Alexandria, Taxilla, Nalanda, Turkey, Anatolia and many others. What they did to the natives of Americas in the same matter, where all of their scriptures and records were burnt by the Spanish Padres, including staking them if they refused to convert to their religion! There is a price to be paid for being pure and innocent in this modern crooked world, specially when your neighbors have become crooked and vulgur! Imagine the innocence that was claimed by terrorists on Sep 11. Similar things happened in the past at the hands of the colonists!

In a crime scene, a link to criminals is always found in terms of some scraps of evidence, perhaps a few finger prints or some DNA samples, that helps detectives to trace back to the wrong doers. Similarly all over the world, evidences are being found of this cover up. I would talk one day on the grandest cover up in Christianity by the Roman Church Founders. Please note, I believe in Christ as much as his true disciples did, but against the politics, lying, violence and forced conversion that went on by the Church zealots. As I have said many times before, for those of you who have heard me on this topic, I wish everyone in the world truly becomes a follower of Christ's teachings.

Then in 2002, during my visit to Austria and stay in a Yoga camp, I came across a beautiful young lady. I mistook her to be Indian and very curiously she looked like a wife of some Indian acquaintance I knew in Atlanta. So when I approached her, thinking that we are only 2 Indians in the camp with the feeling of akinship one minority feels in foreign lands towards another minority from same country, I was surprised to hear that she was from Argentina and of Native American decent! Once, while taking a walk with the group members of the Yoga camp one evening, I found her walking along with me and we started talking. I requested her to sing one of their "chants", and I was surprised by its similarities with the Sanskrit Slokas! The tune of her chanting was very familiar to me.

Oh, I forgot that many years before that, while going through some of history books collection, I found that there was some pyramid in Mexico, where a codex was found, with a picture where it depicted the exact scene of "Ocean Churning" myth of Indians. There was a depiction of a mountain, a tortoise sitting on it, a long snake being used as a rope, and on two sides men holding on to the two ends of a giant snake! Many times I tried to find this picture, to make notes, but never found out, while I was getting more affirmations on this topic's findings. This was not a hindrance, though a nuisance of loosing countless hours in the search, as I found the same picture later on Internet. This was a book on Vedic Cosmology by Richard Thompson which is in my library!

Original Codex Picture taken from some Codex Library.

Picture talking about the Ocean Churning Scene depiction in the Codex by Richard Thompson as well as it is mentioned in the book 'Myths of Pre-Columbian America' By Donald A. MacKenzie.
Some interesting comments in the later book are:

Page v Smith has identified this “ wonder beast “ or, as the Hindus would have called it, this with the walrus or sea-elephant, which is seen only in high ...

Page viii . ...but none is more remarkable than that afforded by the American story of Yapp Chapter which so closely resembles, in all its essential features...With that piece of evidence alone, a good circumstantial case is made out for the transference to America of Hindu modes of thought, Hindu ...

Page ix It further prepares us for identifying the elephant-like figures on Maya sculptured stones, declared by some to be ...

Page 27 Hindu Game in Mexico—Buddhist Scene in Mexican Codex—The Central American “ Long-nosed God “—American “ Elephant Mound “ and “ Elephant Pipes”.
In the next chapter it will be shown that the Indian elephant figures in the symbolism of the Maya civilization of Central America, and in the following ...

Page 34 ... the turbaned rider and his implement, no less than the distinctively Hindu artistic feeling in the modelling are entirely fatal to the macaw hypothesis. ...

Page 35 ...the pre Columbians acquired the Hindu game called pachisi, and that in their picture writing ( Vatican Codex) there is a series of scenes taken from Japanese temple scrolls. ...

Page 244 Some regard the head as that of a tapir. Elliot Smith calls him “ the elephant-headed rain god”. In India, as has been shown, Indra's place was taken ...

Page 247 It is apparent from the evidence of the Dresden Codex that the thunder dog was added with the elephant-headed god of India to the American “ mythological ...

Page 317 The Maya god B was undoubtedly of Indian origin and connected with the elephant-headed god Ganesha and the god Indra, as has been shown. ...

Sir William Jones (1746-1794) judge of the Supreme Court at Calcutta and was one who pioneered Sanskrit studies. His admiration for Indian thought and culture was almost limitless. He has remarked:

"Rama is represented as a descendant from the sun, as the husband of Sita, and the son of a princess named Causelya. It is very remarkable that Peruvians, whose Incas boasted of the same descent, styled their greatest festival Rama-Sitva; whence we may take it that South America was peopled by the same race who imported into the farthest of parts of Asia the rites and the fabulous history of Rama." (source: Asiatic Researches Volume I. p. 426).

One day, my search took me to the discovery of the AUM sign in Arizona, and eventually to the articles by Gene Matlock Hopis and Mayans and Common Indian and Hindu God .

For detailed article so far what people have talked about, one can go to:

My own research led to these findings:

In The Sacred Symbols of Mu, by James Churchward, chapter 'The Mound Builders of North America, the following pictures were given, with a mention on the sign "AUM", this is what said on The Calendar Glyphs:

This is a sacred symbol common in Oriental countries. Once, and only once, before have I found it in America. That was among the Mound Builders' remains taken from one of their burial grounds. It is one of those ancient religious symbols whose meaning was lost when the Brahmins persecuted and drove their teachers, the Naacals, out of India into the snowcapped ranges of the Himalayas about 2000 to 2500 B. C. The meaning of the symbol is expressed in four words of the ancient tongue. These words were used before the commencement of a supplication, or prayers. They are being repeated to this day but the priesthood does not know their meaning. The meaning of AUM was forgotten about the same date. So far in months 6 and 8 we find a direct connection between the people who made this calendar stone and the Mound Builders, Mu and the Orient.

The text did not give any location where the sign AUM was found on the Calander Glyph, but I magnified the image, and found the AUM sign. There could be more AUM signs, but I could not locate them. The funny thing is that the author mentions to have seen another AUM sign in America.

I have not spend enough time on the glyph but on surface it looks like an early primitive Mayan Calandar, with Lunar Zodiac depicted in the inside "circle" and perhaps the Solar Zodiac is depicted in the outside "circle". This looks very primitive compared to later Mayan Calandar shown above.

Picture of Vishnu resting on Snake Shesh-Naag.

The above picture is like the one showing Vishnu resting on the Snake Shesh-Naag. The symbol stand for the Super-soul or the Divine being in dominion over the Time which often is considered the biggest Killer or Destroyer. Snake was also considered a symbol of Eternity and a part of Male Worship Principle. Picture taken from The Sacred Symbols of Mu.

The above left 2 potteries are ancient ones showing swastika signs, along with Celtic cross sign. In Europe, Swastika Sign and presence of Shiva-like God is also found. The right most is a picture of modern pottery. Picture taken from The Sacred Symbols of Mu.

This is another symbol of Native Americans, which I picked up a long time back, when I was researching on Swastika. Think that this comes from Snake Mounds of Ohio. Sometime I will come up with an article on Swastika signs being found all over the world from ancient times.

Interestingly, a Snake Mound was found very close to Stonehenge. Swastika signs have also been found in Stone Circles, and if I am not mistaken in the Urns found in Stonehenge. There could be more Snake Mounds associated with Stone Circles, which I need to further research.

The above pictures were discovered by me, when I was looking for Mayan Calender Glyphs, and what struck me about the above poses that the left one is an advance version of a Yoga posture called "Vrischika Asan" or "Scorpion" and the one on the right is a version of "Dhanur Asan". "Vrischika Asan" is the most advanced posture for people doing "Sheersh Asan" or "Head Stand", which has many variations but of lesser difficulty!

Tree Worship in Mayans, as found with Celtic Druids, and all over Middle Eastern countries, which I shall talk about sometime.

Tree Worship in Hinduism. Compare the two pictures and see if the essence of the same spirit of worship, religion, people and culture is being protrayed. Notice the 2 "elephant heads" in the Mayan Picture. Also the "spiral" motifs are often found in Indian Temples.

Needless to say, compared to the Indian drawings, the Mayan and Mound People's sculpture/drawing looks very primitive and shows some residuals of animalistic worship in North America. It just once again proves that these people came to America in early times and the DNA study establishes these people came from Asia but the route via Alaska is being challenged in the light of some recent findings, which was covered in the History Channel.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


While reading William Durant history book on Crete and Greek Civilization, I found that Crete people were worshipping snake, a mysterious letter 3, and a Fertility Goddess. The mysterious letter 3 would resurface in the temples discovered in Crete.

Discovery recently came out with a discovery, saying all over the middle east and the ancient world, they worshipped snakes. This was nothing new for people whose verbal traditions said the same thing and had not converted to the new religions of last 2 millennial! The snake worship was often associated with the Phallic Worship, which is nothing but a symbol of the Male Principle or the Father Principle Worship. The Fertility Goddess was nothing but the symbol of the Female Worship Principle.

The letter "3" worship reminded me of the sign AUM, and many years back, I found it in the archives of Crete Museum, which I carefully saved in my private collection.

File:Linear A cup.png
Linear - A Script from Crete which was spread in Crete. Greek, Turkey and Palestine.  Yet another proof that that Ancient Middle East was Sanatan Dharma.

Look at the "11" and "5" O'Clock position of the imaginary circular clock dial in the top left picture, and you will see the AUM signs.

Now also look at the "1" O'Clock position of the top right picture. These are very ancient inscriptions and one should account for damages, repairs, rudimentary nature of scripting and inscription technology by the ancients.

Other circumstantial evidence can be found by the fact, that Phoenician and Brhami Script were the same (see my other blogs). And if one compares the following pictures, one would be reminded of some common postures used by Indians even today. The same postures can be seen in Indus Valley Civilization.

Picture showing "Namaste" Posture while standing. Allow allowance for lack in sophistication in sculpture to show two hands folded and protuding in 3 dimension.

Picture showing and "Namaste" posture.

Another picture showing "Padma-Asan".

Another picture showing "Namaste" Posture.

Still not conviced. Look at the above picture of Snake Godess from Crete, and see the "Bindi" or the "cicular mark", which is often put by Indian women.

Above 2 pictures show Swastika sign of Hindus. In another posting I would show presence of Swastika sign all over the world. My next posting on this blog would be about Aum Sign in America.

Still not convinced? Go and see movie Troy, and you will find that like Hindus, the Troy people would cremate and mourn the dead for 13 days, and on the last day of the mourning, they would have a feast. Their women would wear something like an Indian Sari. Troy and Crete were the early civilizations that influenced Greek Civilization. Ancient Greek and Sanskrit are very close. There is a lot of parallelism and similarity between Greek and Hindu Religion, Languages, Philosophies, Science and Astronomy. Lately, as the field of researchers have opened up the club of history writers, which was initially dominated by colonist historians, there is a "pressure" to revisit these facts. Internet has only aided this phenomenon. There were honest historians among the colonist historians but for obvious reasons, they were not very popular and accepted by their main stream brothers. Then history usually demands physical and "hard" proofs, like discovery of archaeological sites with artifacts. "Soft" facts like similarity in Languages, Religion, Philosophies, and Science are difficult to admit and usually hard to prove that which way the influence or migration happened. Grudgingly, now these similarities are being labelled under Proto-Indo European Civilization. DNA study, and other observations of mine, which I will write about sometime, now admits that the migration happened from the North-Western Region of Indian Peninsula to Europe in 40,000 BC. It would be wrong to say that all the things that make up a civilization happened in the last 5000 years only and before that there was no civilization. The western thinking was very much influenced by Bible's Genesis, which said that the world was made in 7 days, around 5000 years back, and this was a big influence to them. In another posting, I will show that the stories of Bible, in Old Testament specially, are of Babylonia and Egyptian origin, which were copied from Persians and their eastern sources, but some where misunderstood or taken literally.

Also, please read this posting on related topic:
King Minos of Crete and Sage Manu of Hindus

Update: Strangely that I had to come across this, while trying to write up the follow up posting.
There is a place called Gypsades at Knossos, and if you note, the first world sounds like Gypsi Des. Gypsies are supposed to have originated from India, but the time-line is not so distant in past, which does match the time-line when one talks about the Crete Civilization.